For over two years now I let my little avatar wander around in that amazing world called Second Life. I´ve been to places, I´ve seen a lot. Had good times and had bad times, but never I had a place to come back to after every journey I took to whatever place I visited. Sure, I have my home, sure, I have my friends, but there was one thing missing the whole time. That was a place I could go to where I was sure to meet people that cared for me and people I feel for myself. Talking about that with Maxxius and Ozark we came up with an idea. Why not start a place like that for ourselves! If it doesn´t exsist yet, let´s create it! And "The Colosseum" was born.
And, my god, it turns out even better then I was hoping for! It now is a place that has a lot of visitors returning to! And.. we have it all! A great crowd, loads of fun, good music and, my god, it looks amazing as well!
I really feel home here. Thanks to the great staff we have and, don´t forget to mention this, I love all the people who give "Our Colosseum" just that what makes it heel like home. Yes, I´m talking about you all. All those wonderful people visiting regularly. Let me, for once, take a deep bow for you. You are the ones making this place as rocking as it is, thanks!
To show you what I mean by a place with a kickass admosphere, I added some pics I took during our various event. I think they say it all.
I do hope more of you people will share your depest feelings concernig "The Colosseum" with us. Feel free to pen them down right here, right into this blog.
Zaza Beaumont.
I couldn't have summed it up better myself zaza!! kisses Lex