november 25, 2009

To make you curious ...

... first look at the video ...
and then come over to the C.O.R. ...
as often as possible ...
to see it get even better day by day ;-))
... and of course to have a great time & ROCK !!!

cya there
Mayala Loon

oktober 24, 2009

Jamming Pumpkins

yeah ... we're still having good times at the C.O.R. ;-)))
the 'NEW C.O.R.' ... Maxxius did a great job there ...
I've made some lil movies during the opening show ... but unfortunately you gotta wait for it till my pc and my RL time allows me to finish them ...
meanwhile I got a new tiny slideshow for you ...
showing a mad Doc at Noa's Nurse-Party ... jamming Correans ... tasty pumpkins ... and ...
presenting our new DJ manager ... my new regular Friday 1-3pm DJ ...
my personal C.O.R. DJ of the month ...
DJ HellBone Barbosa


cya soon
Mayala Loon
(I love when it rhymes ... *grins*)

oktober 12, 2009

Way Cool Promo Video!!!

Yes, again Maxxius amazed us. He made "The Colosseum" a totally insane Promo-video. It's on YouTube too!

Use the following link to have a look. It's in the sidebar as well.


Maxx, well done, keep up the good work! We all love ya!

september 13, 2009

Hail To All You Sinners!

Have we goes something special for you. Coming soon at "The Colosseum of Rock", an event in a somewhat different way. More money to be won, more interaction with you all! Yes, your help will be very needed. Getting curious already? Great, then give me a moment to explain.....

The Colosseum's Seven Deadly Sins-project:
As you all probably know there are Seven Deadly Sins:

* Lust

* Gluttony

* Avarice

* Sloth

* Wrath

* Envy

* Vanity

Each of those sins will be the main topic of events during the week. That's why this is a project, not an event. It's a serries of events all about the ongoing topic!
Every DJ or host we have is allowed to do something with the set theme, but they, of course, having total freedom, are not inquired to.

One thing though is a sertaincy. During the 3-5 pm slt Set, With DJ Ozark Hax and Host Patricia Hax it is gonna rock like never before. Because.... Then not only the sin-of-the-week will be hot, it will go even further. The tunes played will be the tunes you all have chosen! In our shopping mall, on the 1st floor, you can find a giant room all dedicated to the Seven Deadly Sins Project. It tells you all about it. It tells you about those sins, and there is a treasure chest that gives you a note you really should have a look at. In it you can join a new competition! We want you all to pick up that note. Fill in the requested things and drop it in the Suggestion Box near the stage. Make this project work, make it memorable!

With regards,
Management and owners.

september 12, 2009


... was spilled at the C.O.R. yesterday ... *grins*
Incubus DJ Marvel (erm ... ask him if you wanna know more about Incubus ... he seems to know *grins*) ROCKEd the C.O.R. with magical tunes ... the Wiz
ard (of) Oz (funny, he looked like DEATH himself) spread magic funghi and planted a tree ... we had faries and wizards there (guess Maxxius wanted to win the prize for the longest ... erm ... highest ... ah, just see it yourself in the SlideShow, lol) ... and thanx to pat we had a Pic-Happening ...
It's not that easy getting that many folks on the poseballs for a group pic ... everybody hopping on and off ... the big tree catching the cam ... and you really needed a widescreen monitor ... ;-P ... but it was so much fun ...
click the pic to enlarge
btw.... pat took some good pics too ... go and ask her ;-))

Mayala Loon

september 08, 2009

Murder At the C.O.R.

Hell ... the C.O.R. is a dangerous place ... *grins*
see what happened last Friday at the Leather & Lace in Time & Space Party ...
important note ... no lemoning injured there ... *grins*

soooo ... you're ready for Friday September 11th, 1-3pm (SLT)?
Magical Party this time ....
come and let DJ Marvel put a spell on you ...
Smexy dancer Bleuwitch will enchant you ...
Sourcerers, witches, fairies, magicians ...
all are welcome to rock with us ...

cya soon
Mayala Loon
(that rhymes ... *snigger*)

augustus 30, 2009

The Color Of Rock ...

*grins* ... have a look yourself ...
it was very colorful last Friday at the FlowerPower Party ...
click the pic to enlarge and enjoy ...
cya @ the C.O.R. ....
Mayala Loon

augustus 23, 2009

M & M are back ... ;-P

Yeah ... Marvel and Mayala are back from their vacations ;-)
and they brought the whole Universe to the C.O.R. and to YOU !!!!

well ... ok ... with the AWESOME help of the managers ...
who did a great job with decorating ... ;-)))))
it was a blast with all the Sun, Moon and Stars Songs carefully chosen by DJ Marvel ...

After this travel through SPACE we'll have a trip through TIME ...
Friday (Aug 28th) 1-3pm
Back to the 60' and 70' ... FlowerPower for your outfits ... and a bit more rock-orientated in music ... Pink Floyd, Led Zep and such, as Marvel told me ...
So ... mark that day in your calendars ... and have a great time with us ...

btw. ... LoonAtic Wear will be sponsering the Party ...
your chance to win a new outfit ;-))
And I promise to wear some better stuff ... *grins*

Mayala Loon

augustus 02, 2009

Winged Punks @ the C.O.R.

Yeah ... I've been hosting a bit again at the C.O.R. ...
and tell you what ... it's been FUN again ;-)
Friday I had the one and only ... the LORD himself *snigger* ...
the awesome MAXXIUS as my DJ , cause Marvel is in his well deserved vacations ...
and Maxxius already has to spank me, cause I don't have a single pic of him in the Slideshow ...
well ... all the wet paint from his wings had spilled over it ...
at least ... [2009/07/31 13:07] Maxxius Sternberg: my pant is dry
and yesterday I jumped in to do a PUNK event, cause I thought PUNK's not dead ... lol
with the only non talking DJ ... DJ dante ... but he's cute anyway ... and sooner or later ... with all your help ... we might get him talking ;-P
on both days I had our SMEXXXXY dancer Bleuwitch wiggling ...
she does such a great job in entertaining people ;-)
so ... enjoy the pix ... cya all at the C.O.R. ... Keep ROCKING

Mayala Loon

juli 18, 2009

BottleParty Slides

So I had my first evening as a host at C.O.R. last night ...
and it was FUN ...
not that I had not known before that it would be nice ;-P
here are some impressions for you ...

DJ Marvel played great tunes ... very nice patrons ...
100% voting ... *sniggers* ... enough drinks ;-)))
and surrounded by the DUTCH ... hehe
I'm really looking forward to more Friday evenings like that ...
ok , SL early afternoon that is (1pm to 3pm) ...
cya there ;-))
Mayala Loon

juli 16, 2009

Bottle-Party !!!!!

... hey ... I got my first hosting at
C.O.R. ... The Colosseum of Rock ...
tomorrow ... Friday July 17th ... 1-3pm (SLT)...
thought that might be a good reason for a PARTY ;-)))
soooo ... let's have a BOTTLE-PARTY then ...
Bring some tasty drinks ... and then have some FUN ...
with hot DJ Marvel Kit rocking your sox off ...
and smexy dancer Lindsey Lowtide being eyecandy for you ;-))
and Linden$ to win for sharing drinks (and hangover) with us ...
cya there
Mayala Loon

juli 09, 2009

Managing a Club...

How to run a club like "The Colosseum of Rock". How to make it a place for everybody to feel like home. Well.. only in an ancient way you can. Caesar showed us how. We just followed his guidings. ´Devide and Conquer´, that´s the key to succes. All you need to do is look for people you can really trust, people you can really count on, people who have a heart for the club. And we, the owners of "The Colosseum" are trully happy with the ones we found. We found us some kickass managers! They all work there asses of to make "The Colosseum" the place it is right now. And not only that, see how the look on the picture below. Ain´t it just a hot group of lovely people?

If you stumble over one of them inworld, don´t hasitate to drop him or her an IM. An IM in which you say thanks. Thanks for the effort they put in managing the club, since, if you ask me, they really deserve it big time. We are proud to have them on the team!

From left to right:

Ruby Darkes: Host/Dancers manager 5 - 11 pm slt.
Patric Pera: DJ Manager 5 - 11 pm slt.
Ozark Hax: DJ Manager 11 - 7 pm slt.
Patricia Hax: Host/Dancers manager 11 - 7 pm slt.

These are the people you should look for if you are interested in working at this wonderful, steady growing place in Second Life. Look for the manager working during the time you would like to do your magic for "The Colosseum". But... of course they all are always open and always willing to answer any of your questions, not to mention the do have the capacity to have quite a good chat about most anything.

Managers, keep on the good stuff, keep this place the place it is as we speak. You all simply rock our worlds!

With regards,
Zaza Beaumont.

juli 06, 2009

From "Suz.... the Reporter", part 2.

Colosseum of Rock "ROCKSTAR" of the week!

Our Rockstar this week is the awesome and lovely COR manager (of hosts) Patricia Hax. You can almost always find Pat at COR. Which is a good thing because she has the best way of making people feel welcomed. Now if you ask Pat why she always comes to COR is “because they force me to come ;) to the C.O.R. that is”
But actuality one of the best times she has is when she is working on Saturday with Luna and Click. The three talk in private voice and when poor Click has to talk in open chat announcing songs, Luna and Pat start moaning and making all kinds of sounds. This of course messes him up and they cry in laughter, as I am sure everyone is wondering what is up with this DJ. Poor Click. LOL The time they spend together talking (in-between moans) means a lot to her as well. So on Saturday you all need to feel sorry for Click when Luna and Pat are working with him.
Remember if anyone else is up for a good time like this, the COR is looking for hosts and hostesses so let Pat know if your interested. Being a part of COR is like being a part of a big family. Pat stated that when she first came to COR they opened up their arms to her and she closed hers around them. Pat always has her arms open to everyone and a listening ear. SO if you ever need a shoulder to lean on she’s your girl...

So what makes this wonderful woman so great? Well when I asked her to describe herself in 3 words she stated creative, helpful and loving. Many of you may not know that she is a great builder. If you ever come to the COR and it is all decorated up – Pat did it. And if you ever see some afk who comes back to a box covering them – Pat did it! She uses her charm and wit to make it fun for us all. Her philosophy in life is “A smile u send out into the world will always come back to you.”. If that is the case I am sure that she gets tons of them each minute.
Now keep in mind behind all the fun and smiles Pat is very sensitive. So when I asked what one song described her, she responded; “There is not one song to describe me...There are many for a complicated girl like me.” Having said that the one song she does remember is "Baby Sittin Boogie” One day her mum and dad were playing the song, when 3-yr old Patty came up out of her bed and started dancing in the living room. When the song ended she simply crawled back into bed and went right back to sleep. It sounds like Patty has always enjoyed dancing and still does today. As a side note Pat dares you to try to figure out how old she is based on that song. One hint… the song was old back then J My guess is 30… what is yours!
I just want to say on behalf of the hostessing staff at COR we adore you Pat and thanks for all that you do!

juni 25, 2009

Freaked out.....

Omigod, we´ve been freaked out. Last tuesday we had Rykk Ferraris rockin´ "The colosseum" with a mix of tunes he is known for. His so called Freakshow took over C.O.R. Did it hurt? Not at all! It was a magical night down at the grounds of "The Colosseum of Rock". Everyone around seemed to have a great time, everyone around got freaked out in a way they all appreciated a lot. Thanks Rykk, for putting up quite the show! Thanks for showing being a freak can be rewarding. Thanks for showing that freakiness has goodness in it too....

We are looking forward to get freaked out in the future even more. Yes.... it´s that addictive...


juni 23, 2009

From "Suz.... The Reporter", post 1.

Colosseum of Rock ”ROCKSTAR” of the Week!

Well on Tuesday June 23 Vanguard Alter will be having his real life B-day. So in celebration we are featuring him as our first C.O.R. Rockstar of the week. Now this is so appropriate because when asked what song best describes you he states “Rockstar By Nickleback and that silly Avatar song”. Both describe his feelings on my life as it is and as it could be in SL. “I wanna be a Rock star = I wanna be an Avatar” So congratulations Vanguard our Rockstar :)

Born in February 2008 into the world of SL, “Van” comes with many years experience in online gaming. One of the neat things is finding friends from other games and meeting them in SL as well. His philosophy in Second Life is Fun Fun Fun. He hates drama as every one should and sees SL as an escape from RL for a couple of hours a day.

In getting to know “Van” he is very even tempered and grounded. Something you don’t find in SL very often. He is loyal and dedicated to himself and his friends. He and his Bro DJ Insane are opening a club called The High Voltage Rock Café. And yet he says “don’t worry Zaza, Maxx And Oz I ain’t leavin’ the COR!!!!” Once you come to the C.O.R. you are part of the family and don't want to go!

“Van” found the Coliseum of Rock a few months ago. He found it to be a fun club with great people. The owners Zaza, Maxx and Oz are some of the best people in SL. The club is far less laggy than other clubs. Shortly after Van started DJ’ing he started playing at the C.O.R. once a week (Thursdays 1-3 pm slt). He has great fun and has met a lot of nice people at the club. Now he plays at C.O.R. twice a week Wednesdays and Thursdays both from 1-3 pm slt.

One of Vanguard’s all time favorite rock track would be Sweet child of mine by Guns n roses. He says it has a brilliant Guitar solo at the beginning and near the end of the song. It reminds him of an old flame that he never got the chance to be with when he was a kid.

So come to the Colosseum on Wednesday and Thursday from 1-3 SLT and get to know DJ Vanguard Alter for yourself. He is one of the many awesome DJ’s bring the tunes to C.O.R. for us all. Hope to see you there!

juni 21, 2009

Freak Show @ "The Colosseum of Rock"!

Ladies and gentlemen..................... We got 'm!
This tuesday, june 23th 3 - 5 pm slt, the one and only Freak Magnet Rykk Feraris is gonna fill "Our Colosseum" with his freaky viw on how music should rock. Is that a bad thing? Hell no! It's a freakin' good thing!

I know Rykk for let's say 2 years now, and have had the pleasure to listen to quite some Freak Shows he did. And.. I don't want to give him to much credit, they always are... amazing. You'll be musically smacked around the place for you never know what will hit you next. I don't even think Rykk knows what will be next!

I first got in contact with Rykk being a DJ at Sanctuary Rock. We both spread our tunes there and, as it seemed we both kinda liked the twist the other one gave to it. I remember requesting the most impossible tunes and Rykk....... playing them..... He is very hard to trick into not being able to spin what you request, as it seemed.

About a year ago, Rykk, together with his wifey Kaedy, decided to give the music what it deserved. A place where the tunes will set the mood. They opened up their own place "Freakheim Funeral Home". That at a time rock clubs popped up everywhere. Most of those places were not able to make it and had only a short life on SL, but not Freakheim. Freakheim is still out there, rockin' like no other place. I know, since I visit the place myself frequently! Never a dull moment at the grounds of FFH!

After a few weeks I was asked by Rykk himself to join the Freakheim staff. To spin my tunes to those freaks who live for music, just like us. I was honoured! Of course I said yes! And I still do my sets there every saturday. Surrounded by a crowd that grew into being friends.

Do we, at "The Colosseum of Rock" like a place like "Freakheim Funeral Home" to be in Second Life? What do you think. Why do you think we have a link to that clubs blog on our page? Our clubs don't bite eachother, they can live perfectly next to eachother. If needed, we help out eachother. And that, my friends might just as well be the true meaning of Second Life itselves. Unite, and make this world the best of a place to be.

Rykk, thank you for freaking us out with this awesome guest appearence. It's appreciated by me, my staff and most certainly all the CORians.... You ROCK!

Ozark Hax.

juni 17, 2009

Vampire Event @ The COR!

Do you like dressing up as a Vampire? Then this is the Event for You! Saturday June 20th from 4 to 6PM SL Time We are having a Vampire Event. So get on your Best Vampire outfits & Skins, & tp all your friends to enjoy the KickAss Music with you! Maxxius Sternberg will be your Hawt DJ, & I'll be your Hostess.

Animal Print Event @ The COR!

Do you like to wear Animal Print Clothing? Then this is the Event for you! Saturday June 20th @ 2 to 4PM SL Time We are having an Animal Print Event. So whether it's leopard, zebra, tiger, cheetah prints or your covered from head to to in fur & animal print get on those outfits & get on over here & tp all your friends to enjoy the KickAss Music! click Ansome will be your Hawt DJ, Patricia Hax & Luna Bashly will be your Beautiful Dancers & I'll be your Hostess.

Black n Blue Event @ The COR!

Do you like dressing up in Black n Blue? Then this is the Event for You! Friday June 19th @ 3 to 5PM SL Time We are having a Black n Blue Event. So get on those Black n Blue Outfits & get on over here & tp all your friends to enjoy the KickAss Music with you. 250L for Best Female & 250L for Best Male. Maxxius Sternberg will be your Hawt DJ, Bleuwitch Firecaster will be your Beautiful Dancer & I'll be your Hostess.

juni 15, 2009

Yesterday.... we had a blast!

Omigod... What a day. Sunday june 15th, 2009. A day to never ever forget. The day a lot of pieces from the puzzle "The Colosseum" and all that's linked to it, fell in the right place. New DJ shifts, new hosts, new dancers. A crowd that was amazing, a mood between the Colosseum walls that was making the place feel like home even more, and, well, an overall good feeling the whole night long. Good to see the club is starting to grow, good to see so many people working their asses (most asses very good to look at, of course, but that's a different story...)off to make it work.

We also have a new job linked to "The Colosseum". We have....... a reporter! She is gonna post interviews with staff members and patrons on this very blog! Her name, write it down, is Suz Erin. So when you get her in IM, asking you all kinds of maybe weird questions, she's not a stalker, she's not just noozy, she's working! Help her, be nice, be gentle and give her the oppertunity to do the job as good as possible.

This week is the first week we have planned sets every day! That IS a thing to cellabrate! This is because of the hard work done by a lot of people, but... also because of you all visiting the club regularly. Don't stop that, keep on coming back! And bring a friend, you know they will like it too...

Like I said, we trully had a blast yesterday, leaving me, at the end of the night with an O.D. of adrenalin. It seemed I wasn't the only one, Patricia (Hax) had it too. Therefor we ended the night together, down at the place we both love that much. And I can speak for the both of us by telling you all this:

Thank you all.... you.... ROCK!!!

Greetings, Ozark...

juni 09, 2009

School Days Event @ The COR!

Do you like to dress up like a Cheerleader or a Jock, or in other School Clothing? Then this is the Event for You! Saturday from 4 to 6PM SL Time We are having a School Days Event. So get on your Best School Outfits & get on over here & tp all your friends to enjoy the KickAss Tunes with you! 250L for Best Female & 250L for Best Male. Bailian Carver will be your Hawt DJ, Lelea will be your Beautiful Dancer, & I'll be your Hostess.

White Event @ The COR!

Do you like wearing White? Then this is the Event for you! Saturday June 13th from 2 to 4PM SL Time we will be having a White Event! So get on your Sexiest White Outfits & get on over here & tp all your friends to enjoy the KickAss Music with you! 250L for Best Female & 250L for Best Male. Click Ansome will be your Hawt DJ, Patricia Hax & Luna Bashly will be your Beautiful Dancers, & I'll be your Hostess.

Lickable Latex Event @ The COR!

Do you like dressing up in Lickable Latex? Then This is the Event for You! Friday June 12th at 3 to 5PM SL Time We will be having a Lickable Latex Event @ The COR! So get on your Sexiest Latex & get on over here & tp all your friends to enjoy the KickAss Music with you! 250L for Best Female & 250L for Best Male. Maxxius Sternberg will be your Hawt DJ, Bleuwitch Firecaster will be your Beautiful Dancer & I'll be your Hostess.

juni 04, 2009

Summer camp "Colosseum"

That's right, summer is apon us again. Sun, sea, beach..... and the time to go to Summer Camp! My god, even the thoughts about it bring back some memories. Summer Camp, open fires, guitar, singalong songs. And of course, at night sneaking into the girls temts, to almost every time be caught by those nasty camp leaders. Tonight at 3 pm slt we all are gonna relive those memorable times. Tonight it's gonna be "Camp Colosseum".

Join us around the fire, sing along and have a great time. And..... we provide the tents to sleep in after it. (well... sleep, if I think back to those camp days...... never mind)

This event will also be the first one our new host Ruby will werk on. When you get there, please make her some marchmellows, or show her your support, ok?

Ozark Hax

juni 03, 2009

Vampire Event @ The COR!

If you like to dress up as a vampire than this is the Event for you! Friday June 5th @ 3 to 5PM SL Time We are having a Vampire Event @ The COR! So get on your Sexiest Vampire Outfits, bare them fangs & get on over here & tp all your friends to hear the KickAss Music! 250L For Best Female & 250L for Best Male Maxxius Sternberg will be your Hawt DJ, Bleuwitch Firecaster will be your Beautiful Dancer & I'll be your Hostess.

mei 27, 2009

Neko Event @ The COR!

Do you like Dressing up as a Neko? Then this is the Event for you! Friday May 29th at 5 to 7PM SL Time We'll be having a Neko Event @ The COR! So get on your Best Neko Attire & get on over here & tp all your friends & let's Rock n Roll! 250L For Best Female & 250L for Best Male. Patric Pera will be your Hawt Dj, Lelea Constantine will be your Beautiful Dancer & I'll be your Hostess.

Emo Event @ The COR!

You like to dress up in Emo clothing & Skins? Then this is the Event for you! On Friday May 29th at 3 to 5 PM SL Time We are having an Emo Event. So get on your Best Emo Outfits & Skins & get on over here & tp all your friends & let's Rock n Roll! 250L for Best Female & 250L for Best Male. Bailian Carver will be your Hawt DJ, Andreas Rubermeyer will be your Sexy Dancer & I'll be your hostess.

mei 19, 2009

Jammin JailHouse Event @ The COR!

Do you like dressing up as a cop or as a criminal then this is the event for you! That's right Friday May 22nd at 3 to 5PM SL Time we are having a Jammin Jailhouse Event! So get on your best cops & criminals attire & get on over here & enjoy our KickAss Tunes & tp all your friends! 250L for Best Female in Cop/Criminal Attire 250L for Best Male in Cop/Criminal Attire. Bailian Carver will be your Hawt DJ, Andreas Rubermeyer will be your Sexy Dancer, & I'll be your Hostess!

Movie Costume Event @ The COR!

Do you like dressing up in Movie Costumes? Then this is the Event for you! Friday May 22nd at 5 to 7PM SL Time we will be having a Movie Costume Event. So get on your Best Movie Costumes & get on over here & enjoy our KickAss Music & tp all your friends to join us as well. 250L for Best Female 250L for Best Male. Patric Pera will be your Hawt DJ, Lelea will be your Beautiful Dancer & I'll be your hostess.

mei 15, 2009

Zombie Event @ The COR!

Do you like to dress up as a Zombie? Then this is the Event for you! Today at 3 to 5PM SL Time we will be having a Zombie Event @ The COR! So get on your best Zombie Skins,hair, & clothing & get on over here & enjoy the KickAss Tunes & tp all your friends. 250L for Best Female Zombie & 250L for Best Male Zombie. Bailian Carver will be your Hawt DJ, Andreas Rubermeyer will be your Sexy Dancer & I'll be your hostess.

Here's a url to join us for the Event:

mei 12, 2009

Shock Us Event @ The COR!

Do you like Shocking ppl for amusement? Then this is the Event for you! Friday May 15th at 5 to 7PM SL Time we will be having the Shock Us Event. So get on your most bizarre, jaw dropping, eyebrow raising outfits & get on over here & make sure & tp all your friends! Patric Pera will be your Hawt DJ, Lelea will be your Beautiful Dancer & I'll be your Hostess.

mei 11, 2009

Art again, at "Our Colosseum"?

Once again "The Colosseum" proofs to be more then just a Rock Club. On Monday May 11th. 2009 there will be the grand opening of our second Exhibition of Art on our grounds. This time two artists, Paty Nootan & Jarig Taurog, will show their 'Mystical Moments Art' To the world from within the waal s of "Our Colosseum"! Festivities Will kick off at 1 pm slt, with the amazing DJ Callie Carr spinning the tunes. She will make sure the whole event will be one to remember for quite a long while, with her awesome mix of different styles of songs!

After two hours she will hand-over the stream to C.O.R.'s Worst DJ, DJ Ozark Hax himself. What he will come up with, no one knows, not even Oz himself. All we can say is that you have to make sure to be there, it will be an event to not soon forget.

And the art? Well, in one word.... amazing.... Below are a few of them, this is a bit of your pre-view. If you wish to know or see more of it, well.. just come down to "Your Colosseum" a.s.a.p.

If that still doesn't satisfy you, here is a LM to their shop.

Hop on it, if you want, but don't forget the Grand Opening at "The Colosseum Of Rock"!

Monday, May 11th. 2009, 1 - 5 pm slt!!!

mei 06, 2009

Formal Event @ The COR!

Do you like dressing up in Formal Attire? Then this is the Event for you! Friday May 8th at 3PM to 5PM SL Time We are having a Formal Event so get on your Best Formal Wear & get on over here & tp all your friends! 250L For Best Female & 250L for Best Male Bailian Carver will be your Hawt DJ & I'll be your Hostess.

mei 05, 2009

Simply Irresistable Event @ The COR!

Are you Irresistable? Well then come to the COR & show us just how much you are! Friday May 8th We are having an Irresistable Event @ The COR! So get on your Hottest & Sexiest Outfits & come on over to the COR & tp all your friends! 250L for Best Female & 250L for Best Male that's Irresistable. Patric Pera will be your Hawt DJ, Lelea Constantine will be your Beautiful Dancer & I"ll be your Hostess.

april 30, 2009

Punk Event @ The COR!

Do you like wearing Punk Attire? Then this is the Event for you! May 2nd @ 2 to 4PM SL Time We will be having a Punk Event @ The COR! click Ansome will be your Hawt DJ, Patricia Hax & Luna Bashly will be your Beautiful Dancers & I'll be your Hostess. So get your punk outfits on & get on over here & tp all your freinds & let's Rock n Roll! Here's a URL to tp for the event:

april 29, 2009


Do you like to be a Dom or a Sub? Then this is the Event for you! Friday May 1st 3 to 5PM SL Time We are having a BDSM Event! So get on your best Dom & Sub outfits on & get on over here & tp all your friends & let's Rock n Roll! 250L for Best Female & 250L for Best Male. Bailian Carver will be your Hawt DJ & I'll be your hostess. Here's a URL so you can tp here for the Event.

april 27, 2009

RockStar Event @ The COR!

Do you like to dress up like a RockStar? Then this is the Event for you! Friday May 2nd 5 to 7PM SL Time We are having a RockStar Event @ The COR! 250L For Best Female & 250L For Best Male. Patric Pera will be your Hawt DJ, Lelea Constantine will be your Beautiful Dancer, & I'll be your hostess. Here's a url you can use to tp to the COR! =) Hope to see you all there Friday.

april 24, 2009

Lingerie Event @ The COR!

Do you like wearing Silky or Lacey Lingerie? Then This is the Event for you! We are having a Lingerie Event 2 to 4PM SL Time Saturday April 25th . Guys get on your sexy Thongs & Girls get on that sexy lingerie & come on over to the COR & tp all your friends & let's Rock n Roll! 250L for Best Female in Lingerie & 250L for Best Male in a thong. click Ansome will be your Hawt DJ, Patricia Hax will be your Beautiful Dancer, & I'll be your hostess. Here's a url you can tp to The COR With Hope to see you all for the Event! Copy the url & open a new web browswer window & paste it in.

april 20, 2009

Mythological Creatures Event @ The COR!

Do you like to dress up as a Unicorn or a Fairy? Then this is the Event for you! Friday April 24th @ 5 to 7PM SL Time We are having a Mythological Creature Event @ The COR! So get on your unicorn, fairy, centaur, elf, siren, & dragon avis & come on over to the COR & tp all your friends & let's Rock n Roll! Patric Pera will be your Hawt DJ, Lelea Constantine will be your Beautiful Dancer & I'll be your hostess.

april 16, 2009

Medieval Event @ The COR!

Do you like to wear Medieval clothing? Then this is the event for you! Friday April 16th @ 3 to 5PM SL Time We are having a Medieval Event so put on your Best Medieval Apparel & come on over to The COR & tp all your friends & let's Rock n Roll! Bailian Carver will be your Hawt DJ & I'll be your hostess!

april 15, 2009

Staff wanted....? Let's see what we already have!

I know, some time ago I posted on this blog a message whereI tild you all "The Colosseum" was looking for new staff. Well, that still is a fact, new DJ's, hosts and dancers are more then welcome. In fact, we already added some kickass, hard working people to the Colosseum staff family!

But... asking for new staff alone just didn't feel fair. Why not go into the rockin' staff we already have working here! So, today I'm gonna set that straight, starting off with our awesome DJ's. Check them out, if you like, but be sure to do that inworld, of course.....

So, here it is, a summary:


1:00p -3:00p DJ Vanguard Alter
Man... You gotta visit a set Vanguard does once... once to get totally addicted to the mix of tunes he puts up!And... did you know he also is very friendly? telling us, in main chat what tune he is spinning...Check out our one and only civilized DJ!!

3:00p -5:00p Ozark Hax
'This section is unavailable right now. It's been forbidden by Linden Labs. This is done because of an investigation. Linden Labs would like to know how total insanity can turn on so many people'(New info probably after the investigation is done)


12:00p -1:00p DJ Zaza Beaumont
As one of the owners Zaza decided to take her responsibility. So she is gonna throw her musical mix right over our Colosseum stream, directly to not only our ears, but to our hearts aswell

1:00p -3:00p DJ Marvel Kit
DJ Marvel Kit is just the thing you need to start your weekend with. His tunes range from rock to metal, and from classics to gothic. Make sure to catch one of his sets soon, but be warned. He is known for having an addictive force...

3:00p -5:00p DJ Bailian Carver
Is it ok "they" let him loose. Shouldn´t he be locked up 24/7. Well, to be honest, I don´t know. The good thing about "them" letting him loose, is the fact he now can come to play at "our Colosseum". Come feel the madness, you know it´s worth it...

5:00p -7:00p DJ Patric Pera
Is this guy even human? Or is he just proove of aliens living amongst us. Either way, he always puts up an insane mix of tunes. Get musically blown away. Get addicted to what this guy makes you go through. Write it down in your agenda. DJ Patric Pera, every friday 4 - 6. Nothing more, nothing less.


12:00p -2:00p DJ Maxxius Sternberg
My god, what's this... Maxx spinning tunes? O god, Maxx using a mic??? I wonder.. should I go check it out.. Would it be safe.. Hell, not taking risks in life is like having no life at all!!!Let's just go!!

2:00p -4:00p DJ Click Ansome
DJ Click Ansome will throw his really kickass tunes right at our faces! But wait, that's so not a bad thing, after he did it for the first time, you want him to do that over and over and over again.

4:00p -6:00p DJ Bailian Carver
Is it ok "they" let him loose. Shouldn´t he be locked up 24/7. Well, to be honest, I don´t know. The good thing about "them" letting him loose, is the fact he now can come to play at "our Colosseum". Come feel the madness, you know it´s worth it...

And on sundays we have somthing else....

2:00p -6:00p Review The Week
No DJ, no event, no L$ to be won... So... Why should you come anyway! Well... This is our moment to look back on the past week... What was fun, what wasn't... What should we remember, what should we forget... This olso might be a good moment to tell us about your ideas concerning "The Colosseum"!If that isn't your thing to do, just drop in from time to time... it will be fun with us CORians around anyway...

Now you know, grab your agenda and write the ones you like down, for weeks to come, in fact, why don't you just write them all down. They all rock bigtime. Soon enough you will find out, soon enough you will be thinking of asking us if you can set "The Colosseum Of Rock" to be your home in SL anyway.

Ozark Hax

april 13, 2009

80s Event @ The COR!

Do you like wearing 80s Clothing? Then this is the Event for you! Friday The 17th at 5 to 7PM SL Time We are having an 80s Event so get on your Sexiest 80s outfits tp all your friends & let's Rock n Roll! 250L for Best Female 250L For Best Male. Patric Pera will be your Hawt DJ, Lelea will be your Beautiful Dancer & I'll be your Hostess.

april 06, 2009

Black n White Event @ The COR!

Do you like to wear Black n White? Then this is the Event for you! Friday April 10th at 5PM to 7PM SL Time We will be having a Best in Black n White Event. So get on your Hawtest Black n White outfits & get on over here & tp all your friends & Let's Rock n Roll! Maxxius Sternberg will be your Hawt DJ, Lelea Constantinei will be your Beautiful Dancer & I'll be your hostess.

maart 31, 2009

Staff wanted.....

"Our Colosseum" is growing.... And that's a good thing.

  • More and more people find their way to this place we so like to call our second home.
  • More and more friends feel the need to show their friends how good a place "The Colosseum" is to just hang out.
  • More and more we got asked about what happens when at "C.O.R.".

So because of this we think it is time to expend the number of events! We already have a friday filled up fine, a saturday too and frequently even a monday, but, the week has more days to fill. So we now are looking for staff to make "The Colosseum" a rockin' place more days a week. If you know any good DJ's, hosts or dancers that you think got what it takes to give the crowd the good vibes we would like to give them, please let us know by sending us an IM or a note. Then we will try to contact them and see if they are a good addition to the Colosseum family.

Looking forward to your reactions we await.....

.....with regards,
Zaza Beaumont
Maxxius Sternberg
Ozark Hax

maart 30, 2009

Japanese Event @ The COR!

Well do you like dressing up in Kimonos, Japanese clothing or dresses, or in a Samurai outfit?
Then this is the Event for you! 250L for Best Female in Japenese Attire, & 250L for Best Male in Japanese Attire. So get on your best Kimonos, Japanese clothing, dresses, or Samurai outfit & come on over & make sure & tp all your friends! Maxxius Sternberg will be your Hawt DJ, Lelea Constantine will be your Beautiful Dancer, & I'll be your Hostess.

maart 25, 2009

Gods and Goddesses Event

Do you sometimes feel undervalued as you wander the world of SecondLife longing for someone to see your inner godliness??? Well this Saturday 29th 4-6 pm slt come to the Colosseum of Rock and release your godliness with our Gods and Goddesses Event!! Let us marvel at your inner deity!

This is an event with huge scope for your imagination given just how many gods and goddesses exsist within many different cultures. A small list of examples..........Greek-Zeus,Hades,Aphrodite and Hera,Egyptian-Anubis,Horus,Neith and Isis,Mesophotamian-Tiamet,Anu,Aruru and Mammetum,Celtic-Alator,Belenus,Brigantia and Ceridwen,Norse-Balder,Loki,Freya and Frigg(ahum yes love and fertility),Aztec-Huitzilopochtli,Camaxtli,Xochiquetzal (dn't ask me to be spelling them when i'm drunk)and Chalchiuhtlicue,Maya-Ah Puch,Chac,Ix Chel and Ixtab,Hindu-Brahma,Vishnu,Lakshmi and Pavathi.........Whats that I hear you say?? Enough,enough?? Ok;)

DJ God Maxxius Sternberg will be spinning godly tunes,our beautiful dancer Divine Aries will be making you think you are in whatever heaven you happen to believe in and l will be your supreme Goddess ok host ;) Lexi Kleiner......many kisses

maart 23, 2009

Formal Event

Do you like to dress up in formal dresses or a tuxedo & spend a night out on the town?
Well Friday March 27th from 5 to 7PM We are having a Best in Formal Event. So get on your best Formal Gowns & Tuxedos & come on over here to the COR & tp all your friends. 250L for Best Female & 250L for Best Male. MissDj Melody will be your Hawt DJ & Lelea Constantine will be your Beautiful Dancer & I'll be your hostess.

maart 19, 2009

"The songs remain......... insane!!!!"

~You better be warned in advance.~

This Monday, your "Colosseum" will turn into a sanitorium! And this time it's NOT me to blame, it's..... you!!! You voted on this very blog for an event based on funny tunes! So that's what im gonna bring. I will dig deep into my colection of tunes, to find the weirdest, most funny, but still kickass tunes I got, and yes, I'm gonna throw them all directly into your face!

So if you don't want to lose your sanity completely you better come in prepaired. Just bring your pills or wear your straightjackets. Otherwise be prepaired to lose any form of control over yourself. But.... remember, we might take pictures! Pictures that easily end up on this very blog!

This event will be monday, March 23th. It will start at 2 PM SLT. There is no time set yet to end the event. Let's just see what insanity will bring us.

I hope to see you all!


maart 17, 2009


This Saturday we bring you an event with a difference........we've already had just about everything you could think of best in black,best in leather,best in pajamas,master-slave,best in all the colours of the rainbow,best in paper blah blah blah......for this event you can wear whatever you want all we ask is that you bring with you as many people who've never been to the Cor as you can!!!!

Yes we know your Mummy told you never to talk to strangers but did you ever do as you were told????? Just bring as many strangers as you can wearing a fliptitle (gonna send one out with the notices)which says your name. Be in the club with your beautiful strangers when we do the big count up and you could win- 1st 500l$ 2nd 250l$ 3rd 100 l$!!!! Simple huh?

DJ MAXXIUS STERNBERG,a stranger to no-one in sl especially female, will be rocking us hard and I the strange lil girl but also no stranger Lexi Kleiner will be host!!!! kisses Lex

maart 16, 2009

Latex Lovers Event @ The COR!

Do you like to show off your hottest Latex? Well on Friday February 20th at 5PM SL Time we are having a Latex Event. So get on your Sexiest Latex Outfits & Let's Rock n Roll! 250L For Best Female 250L For Best Male. MissDJ Melody will be your Hawt DJ & Lelea Constantine will be your Beautiful Dancer & I'll be your Hostess.

maart 09, 2009

Uniform Event

Do you like to dress up in Uniform? Well now is your chance cause Friday March 13th we are having a Best in Uniform Event. 250L for Best Female in Uniform & 250L for Best Male in Uniform. There's a lot of different Uniforms you could go with Military, Nurse, Doctor, Firefighter, & Cop Uniforms etc. So get on your Sexiest Uniforms & come on over & let's Rock n Roll! MissDJ Melody will be your Hawt Dj, Lelea Constantine will be your Beautiful Dancer & I"ll be your hostess.

maart 07, 2009

The Colosseum of......... Arts?

Yes, we do support different kind of arts, besides music. We think all kind of creativity should have a chance to blossom on SL! That's why we have our 1st exposition down at our wonderful Colosseum. This exposition is one about mandalas. Made by the artist called Sheba Blitz.

Sheba Blitz is a SL and RL artist painting Mandalas exclusively. The Mandala is a sacred symbol of the universe. Her mandalas contain what is called a quarternity or multiple of four. This squaring of the circle is a common archetypal image of wholness and order. Mandalas are aids to meditation, contemplation, healing and just to enjoy.

This monday (march 9th) we will have a party down at "Our Colosseum" to open the exposition in a festive way. Make sure you don't miss out on this very special occasion. It all will start at 1.30 PM SLT.

Be there!!!!

Zaza Beaumont.