januari 11, 2009

Biker and Babes

Biker and Babes - Okay if you missed this event, you missed out a great time. The crew got into their biker gear and rode into the stadium. Close your eyes and imagine this: patricia throws her leg over a crotch rocket, skirt barely keeping her modest. She nods her chin at Maxx. Her long legs pulling the bike to her, she guns it towards the entrance. Hitting the moat, her bike leaves the ground, in a short jump into the stadium. She spins to a halt in the center of C.O.R, tossing her hair back as she dismounts, satisfied. I showed up with the lovely Luna waiting for me in the courtyard. She shot me a wink and mounted my SLC Roadster V8m, body wrapped around mine as we rolled into the joint. zaza was already there, swaying to DJ click's tunes as he got us ready for a wild night at C.O.R. Of course, the lovelies Lexi, jae, Alex, K and e. as well as my brothers roonstar, Mich, Merl were among the crowd. The Lady and Lord provided the spot and the initial pot. With the crew's help, the pot hit 500 a person for the Sexiest Biker Baby and the Hardest Biker Man. The Winners were ecstatic, a great night of music, sultry dances, private moments ((shhh)) and Linden, who can complain to that. It was a blast hope to see you there soon! If I get enough comments, I may retell the tale of Happy School Daze. Just one teaser, who got the teacher? - your humble host. Tinus. (This crew performs Sat between 2-4pm SLT)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. The teacher is not to get, not by anybody. The teacher is very good capable of handling things on her own. Perhaps you better start listening to what she says next time, Tinus, you might even learn something.....

  2. Looks like I really missed some lesson... Please don't tell me is was... biology....
