Get those arses to the Colosseum of Rock this Friday for our OPPOSITES Event!
Yes indeed give us your take on OPPOSITES-black/white,soft/hard,cold/hot,new/old,male/female,ying/yang....yes you get the picture!
25oL$ for Best Male and Best Female
Featuring new to the COR DJ VANGUARD ALTER!!!!!!! Hell lets crash the sim to welcome him!
And also introducing our totally divine newest hot cor dancer DECAPO MASALA!!!!!!!!! Oh the excitement..............
many many kisses yr lil host Lexi Kleiner ;)
februari 26, 2009
Why I love "The Colosseum", Part 1.
Yes... This is a new item on this wonderful blog, I hope more people will get into. Let´s all try to write down what the hell this place means to us, what it does to us! ´cause there must be something pulling us back in again and agian and again and again. Below you can read my deeper thoughts about the place that really got to me:
For over two years now I let my little avatar wander around in that amazing world called Second Life. I´ve been to places, I´ve seen a lot. Had good times and had bad times, but never I had a place to come back to after every journey I took to whatever place I visited. Sure, I have my home, sure, I have my friends, but there was one thing missing the whole time. That was a place I could go to where I was sure to meet people that cared for me and people I feel for myself.
Talking about that with Maxxius and Ozark we came up with an idea. Why not start a place like that for ourselves! If it doesn´t exsist yet, let´s create it! And "The Colosseum" was born.

And, my god, it turns out even better then I was hoping for! It now is a place that has a lot of visitors returning to! And.. we have it all! A great crowd, loads of fun, good music and, my god, it looks amazing as well!

I really feel home here. Thanks to the great staff we have and, don´t forget to mention this, I love all the people who give "Our Colosseum" just that what makes it heel like home. Yes, I´m talking about you all. All those wonderful people visiting regularly. Let me, for once, take a deep bow for you. You are the ones making this place as rocking as it is, thanks!
To show you what I mean by a place with a kickass admosphere, I added some pics I took during our various event. I think they say it all.
I do hope more of you people will share your depest feelings concernig "The Colosseum" with us. Feel free to pen them down right here, right into this blog.
Zaza Beaumont.
Nudity @ The Colosseum.... The Aftermath.
My god, the discussions about this event.... I had such a big laugh! Good to see how many of you CORians seem to appreciate the policy we have at our little place we almost call home concerning nudity. Thank for caring!

How did the event go... Well, I think it was another great one again! It looks like the stripped tunes did their job. Everyone, around 20 people dropping in and out, with like 10 people sticking around for the whole event, seemed to get in the right mood. Some even did their best getting dressed fit to the occasion! We had Zaza Beaumont wearing some wonderful bodypaint, Meka showing up completely invisable, Shay wearing a beautiful dress made completely from shiny spots! Of course I did my best to to dress up, or down to the events theme, so I decided to strip down as far as possible! I came, with coffin and all only wearing my skinny bones! Just perve the pics below and see we had big fun!

It looks like these weird events on monday really are events people are looking forward to. And next time will be as great as all were untill now! The thing about the next one is... that you all can set the theme! on the right side of this blog you all can vote for the theme that does it to you for the most, look it up and gwet your votes in! But hurry, there are just a few days left!
februari 24, 2009
Barely There Event!!!
Do you like to show off your legs or bare some skin? Well February 27th at 5PM to 7PM SL Time we are having a Barely there event so get on your skimpiest outfits & come on over & invite all your friends & let's rock n roll!!! 250L For Best Female & 250L For Best Male in a Barely There Outfit. MissDJ Melody will be your Hawt Dj, Davina Braveheart & Lelea Constantine will be your Beautiful Dancers & I"ll be your host.
februari 20, 2009
A Good TIME Event-Friday 20th 1-3pm slt
Everyone wants a good TIME on a Friday night don't they??? Well come let our time warping DJ Marvel Kit show you a TIME altering good time with his TIME inspired set....seconds,minutes,hours,weeks,months (possibly) and years.....
250L$ for Best Time Male and of course 250L$ for Best Time Female
Oh and be sure to make TIME for me your lil hostess Miss Lexi 'Smaller'Kleiner because my TIME will be devoted to making your TIME with the time of your LIFE..
250L$ for Best Time Male and of course 250L$ for Best Time Female
Oh and be sure to make TIME for me your lil hostess Miss Lexi 'Smaller'Kleiner because my TIME will be devoted to making your TIME with the time of your LIFE..
februari 18, 2009
Febuary 20th at 5 to 7PM SL Time. Ever watched the movie half baked or Up in Smoke & wanted to dress up in tie dyed shirts, hippi pants & get out your bongs. Well now is the time to show off all your 70s stuff @ The C.O.R!!! So get on your best 70s outfits, bongs & stuff & let's Rock n Roll. 250L for Best Female & 250L for Best Male. MissDJ Melody will be your Hawt DJ, Lelea Constantine will be your Beautiful Dancer and I'll be your hostess.
Omigod... Nudity at "The Colosseum"?
Hell yeah, there will be nudity at "The Colosseum of Rock"! At least two hours of it! But wait.... wasn't there something about the policy on nudity in the rules set for what this rockin' place would be? Didn't the owners say nudity was a big NO at "The Colosseum"? Omigod... isn't it one of those three owners even typing this post???? Yes, it's me, Ozark typing this... And yes, this monday february 23th (1.30 PM - 3.30 PM SLT), I am gonna have a naked event down at that wonderful place called "The Colosseum of Rock"!

It's not what you might think (or even hope for) it is, cause at this event it won't be the avatars getting stipped down! It will be......
The tunes played!!!!!
Yes the tunes will be naked tunes. Naked tunes as in acoustic tunes!
well... you might be thinking now: Damn... then what should I wear to this naked event when nudity isn't allowed to be shown.... Come on, use your imagination... There are more ways to go naked then just strip off all your clothes. Let that be your challange. L$250 to be won for the best showing nudity, without pulling of his or her clothes! Go for it! Amaze us! Show us.......

februari 11, 2009
Shifting Of The Sands....
Last monday, February 9th, we had our second music-style based event. And what an event it was. The announcements sent days before it would exually start were very promising. It would make us all deel warm inside, we would forget about our daily winter mood, forget about all the slumberings to go with that winter mood, it would be like..... summer! Well, now it's over, let's evaluate. Did "The Colosseum" make up to these highly raised expectations....
Then the time was finally there. 30 minutes before I had to start playing those tunes, I went to C.O.R. to find out...... there were people already waiting! Waiting for the event to start! Man... i felt the warmth right away! And that warmth, well it didnt go away. Not once during the 3 hours the event lasted.

It all started a day earlier. Sunday February 8th. Zaza, Maxx and I came together at our Colosseum to do some decorating. Not just the ussual stuff, hell no! This time it would be different. We decided to leave the wonderful and great looking Colosseum itself for what it was and we thought of having this event down at the shopping area! Why, you think? Because of the sand! We aimed for something like a real cool beachparty, with the most fantastic summer tunes that still had something to do with rock. So, we set up a fisherman's shed, wooden barrels to sit on, beer crates, hangout spots, and, to finish it of, Zaza provided the party with awesome tintelizing dance poseballs.
Take a look at this pic to get an impression.

Here are some pics that tell you the story probably better then I can do in words.

Back to the title of this post. Did we shift some sand.... I think we did! I think we shifted all the sand that was there!
So.... it seems to work out pretty good, these music-style based events. We can do more. We can think of them by ourselves. But what about you? Can you give us new ideas? Please let us know. Post a comment on this post. Tell us about your ideas, please do! If the are good, and well to be done, we will do our best to make it happy.
If you have no clue on what kind of event you would like, hell, feel free to leave a comment aswell. Tell us what you think of our place. We like to know about that, cause... without you the Colosseum wouldn't feel as home as it does now...
On the pics:
1. : Lexi giving Maxxius a time to never forget.
2. : Fliss.... Look at those boots.. Totally no beachwear, but hot.. so damn hot.
3. : Zaza and Lampie... When those two dance, the world stops spinning.
4. : Dacapo just invented a great new move! Yes, he does give dance lessons, look him up inworld!
5. : That's how hard it was to set the place on fire with spinning tunes.. I easily could snuggle up to my loved one to have a bit of temperature raising moments... (Thx Meka, for your kind private words...... hehehe)
6. : Zaza C. how we like to call him (at the back) in one pic with Gabe. Zaza... the man who said he got all confused by the tunes, but liked them a lot... And Gabe, the man with the right moves at the right moment....
februari 09, 2009
The C.O.R.
Oke, my time to pop in.
What can i say about the C.O.R that hasn't yet been said. Or what you didn't discover yourself yet while being there. Well, there's one thing, I can say a lot about it and I will off course.... later on, but To know what I mean, you have to come and feel for yourself.
So what is there to espect from "The Colosseum".... First of all there is the look. It's a combination of ancient fantasy related, to medieval and roman looks. This combined with some dragons to make it complete. Being there myself makes me wanna have a good time hanging around, dance and have a huge laugh about the stuff passing by in main chat.
But this is just a lil part of the real feeling created by our crew who makes you feel like home, a place where friends hang out and have fun. And by what I see and hear everyone who steps in for the first time, will feel like they are accepted for who there are.
When we started this club we had one thing in mind, and that is making something special for everyone, its not for the money or for fame, its for all of us who want to have some laughs, to hear great tunes and feel accepted. It's had to be a spot where you can easily make new friends.
Off course I would be lying if I said money doesn't matter at all, since owning a club costs money. To get even we need the support from you all to keep this place alive, so I thank the ones who feel the way we feel and support us on all ways. For they know who they are.
Just one more thing I just have to say:
This place is build by Zaza, Ozark and me. But you, you all, you gave it a soul, you gave it caracter, you make it the great place it is now. I thank you for that!
lets keep rockin'!
What can i say about the C.O.R that hasn't yet been said. Or what you didn't discover yourself yet while being there. Well, there's one thing, I can say a lot about it and I will off course.... later on, but To know what I mean, you have to come and feel for yourself.
So what is there to espect from "The Colosseum".... First of all there is the look. It's a combination of ancient fantasy related, to medieval and roman looks. This combined with some dragons to make it complete. Being there myself makes me wanna have a good time hanging around, dance and have a huge laugh about the stuff passing by in main chat.
But this is just a lil part of the real feeling created by our crew who makes you feel like home, a place where friends hang out and have fun. And by what I see and hear everyone who steps in for the first time, will feel like they are accepted for who there are.
When we started this club we had one thing in mind, and that is making something special for everyone, its not for the money or for fame, its for all of us who want to have some laughs, to hear great tunes and feel accepted. It's had to be a spot where you can easily make new friends.
Off course I would be lying if I said money doesn't matter at all, since owning a club costs money. To get even we need the support from you all to keep this place alive, so I thank the ones who feel the way we feel and support us on all ways. For they know who they are.
Just one more thing I just have to say:
This place is build by Zaza, Ozark and me. But you, you all, you gave it a soul, you gave it caracter, you make it the great place it is now. I thank you for that!
lets keep rockin'!
februari 07, 2009
Best in Movie Costumes @ The C.O.R.!!!
Do you like to dress up as your favorite movie character in your favorite movies?
Well Friday Febuary 13th @ 5PM SL time is the evening to show off your favorite movie character costumes at The C.O.R.!!! 250L for Best Female in Movie Costumes & 250L for Best Male in Movie Costumes. So make sure and get your best costumes on & get on over here on Friday & tp all your friends & let's rock n roll!!! MissDJ Melody will be your Hawt DJ, & I Sensation will be your hostess.
Well Friday Febuary 13th @ 5PM SL time is the evening to show off your favorite movie character costumes at The C.O.R.!!! 250L for Best Female in Movie Costumes & 250L for Best Male in Movie Costumes. So make sure and get your best costumes on & get on over here on Friday & tp all your friends & let's rock n roll!!! MissDJ Melody will be your Hawt DJ, & I Sensation will be your hostess.
februari 04, 2009
Rays Of Sunlight @ "The Colosseum".
My god, it's cold up here where I am... We even had snow this week! Not that I don't like winter, but,like every year in february, I start longing for the summer... I know, it's still far away, but god, when I think of those long summer nights, living outside most of the day, putting up a campfire, listening to good music..... man, I start drifting away in some beautiful dream. Making me feel all warm inside.

So, with that in mind Zaza and I decided to try to capture just that feeling at that wonderful place in Second Life, right at.... "The Colosseum Of Rock"!
This monday will be hot at our Colosseum. I'm gonna play only tunes that make you feel all warm inside. Think Manu Chao, Mau Mau, Mano Negra, Ozomatli, etc, etc, etc...
Let us make you long for those summer nights too, let us make you all sweaty and stuff too. Not with physical actions, but just with tunes with sunlight in them...

Dive into your inventories and look for those sweamsuits you all probably put in it far far at the end, cause, well...... who needs a swimsuit in winter anyway!
Ozark Hax
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